Built in 1878, Lytham library has lived through many a war and disaster, a silent witness to the various joys and sorrows of the people who use/d her and who call/ed this little town 'home'.
Just think, the library was already a mature 31 years old when the people of Belfast first got to work on creating the 'Titanic'!
Fast forward to 2016, and 138 years after the library first opened its doors, they're about to close for the final time.
Bravo, LCC! Well played indeed. [/sarcasm]
"'The severity of the county council’s financial position cannot be overstated, and the ongoing cuts in central government funding combined with rising demand for our services mean the only way we can maintain the services that people rely on is to deliver them in a different way....'"
Why is it, do you think, that it's always the little folk, who end up paying for the excesses and downright incompetence of those in power?
So what's the solution? I'll be damned if I know. Whoever we vote for, the government always gets in. Wouldn't it be great to vote for a party we actually like for a change, rather than the party we despise the least?
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