Monday, 26 September 2016

Scene stealing...

 As many of you are already aware, I write the first drafts of my books the old fashioned way. i.e. longhand.

What can I say? I've tried composing straight onto the old lapdog, but for me there's no quicker way to constipate my word gland. 
(Is that an actual thing, a word gland? If not, it ought to be.) 

There's a definite downside to this method, though. When it comes to writing the second draft, (which for me means transferring all the notebook contents onto the computer) I often have so many notebooks on the go, I tend to lose track of them all. Yes, it's chaotic but, unfortunately, it's how I roll.

Take this morning, for example. It'd been another splendid writing day. The story was really flowing, I'd hit my daily word count, and all my people were still chatting to me. Why not push on and try and nail down another vital scene, thinks I. 

Oh, what a great plan, Batman!

The problem was, although I had a vague recollection of the scene in question, could I find it in any of my notebooks? 

Er... nope!

Which means that tomorrow's writing session will commence with another game of Hunt the Notebook. *sigh* 

Why am I so disorganised? WHY?

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Happy 4th of July!

Hope you all have a safe, happy, and wonderful day!