This magical world is located in the south of Eastern Siberia, in the Buryat Autonomous Republic and the Region of Irkutsk, Russia.
In March, due to a natural phenomenon the lake is particularly amazing to photograph. The temperature, wind and sun cause the ice crust to crack and form beautiful turquoise blocks or ice hummocks on the lake’s surface.'
'The lake contains roughly 20 percent of the world’s unfrozen surface fresh water and more than 1,700 species of plants and animals, with more than 80 percent of the animals being unique to the area.
The 25 million-year-old lake’s water is so clear that when it freezes over in the winter you can see a little over a 100 feet below. The lake can be crossed by foot when it freezes, but those who choose to cross it run the risk of frostbite and hypothermia.'
This natural world is a constant source of inspiration for me. Our planet still rivals any fantasy world I can dream up.
You blog! How exciting. Please get a subscribe button on here so I can get these as they're posted. And you've set my Wanderlust in motion. Great photos. Look at the unreal colors of the ice. Makes me wish I were a much, much better photographer. But I'm happy to pay homage to the masters.
ReplyDeleteHey, Kimberly :)
ReplyDeleteYep, another blog. I didn't want to be the uncool author on the web(!), so I caved.
These photos literally made me gasp. I wish I could see this for real. Sounds very cold there though!
Not sure how to add 'subscribe' here. Ah well! :)
Haha! I caved, too, after going to too many writer's conferences where I heard "Thou shall have a web site." You'll enjoy it, too, I'm sure. I'll enjoy following!